how to stay in touch (and subtly hint that you miss someone)

you are missing...

i mean, in case you didn't know, or notice, even... but let's not make this all about you, after all, i was miussing yesterday, i think, unless of course i upload an entry today dated yesterday as if i wasn't missing at all... but come to think of it, who would want to date yesterday, rhetorically feigning inquiry, unless, of course, it would mean all your troubles would then be like, so far away...

yeah, i know, nobody seems to stay in one place anymore...

meanwhile, in the life offline without constant musical references (or with, sometimes), it was yet another ridiculously busy day at work and i finally took a breath just before leaving to rush off to softball and after a couple of innings it was rained out, alas, so then jackson and i went to dinner at toojays, florida's attempt at new york deli, and then home and here watching the women of saturday night live and writing these words for you to maybe look back on when you finally catch up a bit...

i hope you stop missing soon :}

maybe this should be in a blog called practical advice, or even better, my so-called advice but i don't know if i have one, or two, even... anyway, see, subtle, that's how it's done... kit, that is...

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